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How this site works

How do the ladies join RussianWoman?

The ladies on this are managed by separate affiliates that know the ladies who have joined their agency in hopes of meeting and potentially marrying a foreign man. These affiliates place their ladies profile on the site and manage the communication between the men and women.

What is the process?

When you join the site and decide you would like to write a particular lady. You make a payment and write a letter to the lady. The affiliate receives your letter, contacts the lady whether by phone, text message, or email, etc, and will send your photo and information to the lady also.

The lady gives her letter to the affiliate, who translates the response to English, and sends the email back to you

Why can't I share contact information on RussianWoman?

To comply with the IMBRA law passed in 2006 which states that no contact information can be exchanged between a US man and a non-US woman without the woman receiving the man's criminal background information. More information on IMBRA.

On RussianWoman, we do not require a man to fill out a criminal background form, therefore no contact information can be exchanged over this site.

How do I meet the ladies then?

After you and a lady have started a correspondence and you would like to hear her voice. We can arrange phone translations. You will speak to her through a translator, and she will do the same. Of course no contact information can be given over the telephone.

To meet the lady in person, you will travel to the lady's country, go to the affiliate office, and fill out the criminal background form. After the information you provide is verified, you will receive a personal one on one introduction with the lady. Then, you spend the rest of your time in her country getting to know her.

I am not a US citizen, how does this apply to me?

Unfortunately, if we allowed the loophole of Non-US men to provide their contact information, suddenly none of our clients would claim be from the US. Therefore the IMBRA law requirements must be upheld in every situation regardless of the man's nationality.

$7.50 per email? That's expensive!

Consider what is included in the cost.

  • Translation services
  • Piece of Mind. By using this site instead of other online dating sites, you are reducing your changes of encountering a scammer drastically. The ladies on this site come to us through trusted affiliates who screen each letter and lady to make sure that she is sincere in wanting to meet a foreign man. If she is not sincere, she is removed from the site.
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