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A 2nd Look - RussianWoman with Updated Photos

Give these ladies a second look! On RussianWoman, typically the newest profiles are displayed at the top of the search results. Therefore as time goes on members who were at the top of the search results months ago or a year ago are no longer occupying the first few pages of search results. So some of these ladies are not receiving a great deal of attention from other men on the site. In addition the original photos the lady submitted to the site may not have been professional photos and did not capture her true beauty.

These ladies are still active and anxious to meet a sincere gentleman.

These foreign beauties have gone to the trouble of having new professional photos taken to be displayed on the site. The ladies who go to this effort are assured of being some of our most serious women. So therefore we wanted to highlight these special ladies to you among the sea of other profiles. Finally, we wanted to bring these ladies who have made that extra effort to your attention to give her and you an even better chance to find that special someone.

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